The power of digital branding : what is it and why do we need it?
Do you want your site visitors to better understand who you are as a business? Then read this post on digital branding, including the concept of what and how.
When you ask, “What are the goals of your Website?”, The majority replied: “To attract more traffic and conversions, isn’t that a dream?” But do your site visitors really understand what your business is doing or what makes you different? Well, this is where digital branding comes into play. Increasing site traffic is a pointless exercise if your visitors do not know who you are, what you do, or what makes you different from others. This is one of the main reasons why traffic does not turn into a sale.
What is digital branding?
Digital branding is an understanding of your value as a business and the transfer of these values to visitors to your site. But don’t worry, digital branding is not fonts, slogans, characters, images, logos or visual identification; this requires years of branding and user experience (UX) knowledge. Digital branding has powerful elements that any website owner can do.
Understanding your client’s values is called your “value proposition,” and it truly surpassed the old idea of unique retail outlets (USPs). As a definition, a value proposition is “a promise of value that your customers will like.” Digital branding brings this value. Many successful companies are no longer unique – they just do it better. How many websites do you visit that are not necessarily cheaper but have an excellent product offer for customers? This is an example of customer value.
Why is this important?
The importance of digital branding boils down to effectively communicating your value with your customers. Digital branding thinks about your potential customers – this traffic – and how we can tell them who we are, what makes us different and what makes us better. When a site visitor understands our business, the decision to purchase is sharply reduced. See an example below:
Immediately talk about the benefits of your business with short and clear messages. You go to the site and they reflect the benefits for you as a client and the value of the business.
As soon as we receive our “value proposition”, the time has come to tell the world, but digital branding passes by our website – it is rooted in every part of each individual marketing channel and at every point of contact with which the client interacts. On your site, it makes no sense to write that you have the “best service in the business” if this is not indicated in your paid advertisements. You must identify all the common ground of your customers, look at the messages and make sure that they are consistent in everything.
Below are some key placements that you should focus on as they set the tone for all other marketing channels.
A great place to start is the homepage. Every day we see home pages that do not give any directions about the business; not even an idea of what distinguishes them from a competitor. Turn your home page into a message about your valuable offer – make sure that each client leaves, knowing exactly what you are doing and what sets you apart from others, makes them unique and best.
Site pages
We pulled out the pages of the site from the home page because it is important to look at them in isolation. Often the page that spends the most time on it is the home page, but collectively this page does not receive most of the traffic. Imagine that we just clicked on an ad or page directly from a search engine results page (SERP), which is not your home page … will we be given a hint of your value proposition?
Your emails are a great place to reinforce your core values for your customers. If you use marketing automation for visitors who subscribe to your emails, then use the various emails in the program to enhance your messages. It is recommended to create a “welcome letter”, which will be the first letter received by the client after registering with your mail program. Use this letter to strengthen your business.
Paid media advertising
Making a great copy of an ad is very important – it can be the difference between gaining and losing leadership or selling. A great ad will correspond to a copy of the ad on the landing page, and it makes no sense to say one thing in the ad and not repeat it on the landing page. Google AdWords, in particular, has provided marketers with tools to enhance digital branding with things such as call extensions and new enhanced advertisements. Use these tools to enhance your messages.
Often the importance of metadata is overlooked. Sometimes it is simply created to make sure that we mark the “SEO window”. Think of metadata like this – this is the only and only piece of information that the client must choose between you and your competitor in the search results. Ranking in position 1 for your keyword does not make sense if your metadata is not customer-oriented. Treat it like a paid ad, and create posts that add value.
Digital branding and conversion optimization
Digital branding and conversion optimization (CRO) overlap. If you are new to CRO, MOZ describes it as “a systematic process to increase the proportion of site visitors who take the desired action.” How does this relate to digital branding? The goal of digital branding is to increase the likelihood that a visitor will perform the desired action. When a visitor understands your business, the probability of conversion increases.
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CRO is extremely useful for digital branding because it allows you to test messaging through a website through A / B testing. Google has made this process even easier with the release of Google Optimize. Take the time to create A / B tests of the various messaging options for the pages of your website and find out which one is most effective. CRO stops as soon as you browse your website and go to other marketing channels. But this does not mean that the lessons from CRO cannot be applied to your other points of contact.
To summarize, it’s all about consistency. There should always be a consistent and holistic approach to conveying your value to visitors through all marketing channels. Stop looking at different marketing channels in isolation, because it will not only confuse potential customers, but your business will feel disconnected. Each marketing channel is the point to join, and with these tips, you will be on your way to creating a famous brand.