How to start a blog on Instagram: 4 steps

Where to start a blog on Instagram is an urgent issue for new users of this social network who want to competently start maintaining their page to attract attention, communication, promotion of their brand, etc. Everything is important here: from the profile name to the design of the point in the publication. So, I want to tell you the desire to work in Instagram and where to start instagraming now⇓. Forward!
Where to start a blog on Instagram. Step # 1
Before you start your blog, even before you register, you should decide a few questions:
- Are you ready to pay full attention to your subscribers daily? Sitting constantly in the apartment and talking about the onset of autumn is not the best option for a blogger. For successful account management, you will have to visit interesting places, take a long walk, plan ahead – what will you tell the subscribers about, what else can you start a conversation if the selected topic does not gain popularity or quickly become obsolete? A professional blogger on Instagram always creates a content plan for a week, or even a month in advance. Then you will all be in control.
- Choose a topic that you are familiar with, which will be easy for you to convey to people. Do not choose just popular topics, you yourself should like it. The most popular topics are: beauty, healthy lifestyle, fitness, cooking. If you are good at this, then there is nothing to fear, but remember that there is high competition. About what to do in such a situation, I will tell a little later.
- What is your target audience? And it’s not just about gender and age. It is also important to decide what problem you solve for them, what you are interested in. From here follows the choice of account format, hashtags are compiled, etc.
Browse the accounts of already popular bloggers on your subject. What are they talking about, how are their pages designed? And I will tell you how they did it.

Instagram from scratch where to start. Step number #2
These items are expected by users of any social networking application. Once upon a time, you could enter the network online through a browser. Now everything is much simpler.
If you have never worked on Instagram and do not know where to start, then:
- Install the Instagram application (if you have an iPhone, the App Store can serve as a platform for downloading, and Google Play for Android).
- Go through a simple registration by entering your email address (the same procedure can be done via Facebook, in which case the Instagram application and your fb social network will be synchronized with each other).
- Next, you come up with a username and password.
And now the fun begins.
How to become a blogger where to start instagram. Step #3
You, as a future blogger, have already decided what you will do on the social network? What exactly do you want to convey to users? Now you need to figure out what your profile will be like. Remember, I wrote about high competitiveness and said that I would tell you how to become the best? So here. Follow my advice, which is not taken from theory. I always advise my subscribers only what I tried myself.
One of the most important for solving the question of where to start earning on Instagram is the design of the header.
The profile header allows you to accommodate text with a length of not more than 150 characters. This is not so much, so information about yourself should be entered clearly, clearly and briefly. Despite this, your guest should immediately understand: on whose page he went and what your blog offers him.
In the profile header you indicate:
- your name (real or nickname – based on the proposed subject of the account);
- where are you from? where do you live?
- your hobbies, work, hobbies;
- What do you offer your subscribers?
- possible links to your other social networks.
For readability of information and emphasis on important points, use emoji. But do not overdo it (the same applies to the availability of emoji later in publications).
Blog or store on Instagram where to start and how to continue? We proceed to the design of the profile and fill in all the fields.
- Photo – your photo should be recognizable and understandable. For example, you can place a high-quality portrait or a picture with the label of your product / service.
- Nickname – just like a photo, should be recognizable. The best option is your last name, or the brand whose products you offer to users.
- Highlights (current) – saved stories that will help your subscribers quickly get answers to your questions. Most often, such blocks are made for reviews, promotions, most common questions.
- History – a short video lasting 15 seconds, which will disappear (without saving to highlights) after 24 hours. The purpose of this message is to quickly and clearly formulate important information. Most often these are polls, links to your publications (for example, NEW POST) or Live broadcasts, which are gaining more and more popularity.
By the way, Live broadcasts have become popular not only for the promotion of goods, but also in order to discuss with the subscribers a walk along the beach in the winter.
Filling out? Make out? Fine. Now let’s talk about the most important thing: the context. It is the context that allows the guest of the account to decide whether to subscribe to you or never return to this profile.
What is the content that is important if you were wondering where to start selling on Instagram:
- do not write the text with a “canvas”, it is better to break it into semantic paragraphs, make markers from a new line, and much more;
- preliminary writing in a notebook or notes will help to format the text, and then just insert it into the publication;
- emoji is the place to be where it is relevant, on what you want to focus (I repeat, you should not insert a lot of emoticons);
- the text should be simple, even if your topic is serious, readability and presentation will allow subscribers to read the content with interest to the end.
There is also a trick when the text is very large, it is written in editors, and then they take screenshots and simply paste them into publications. Where to start an account on Instagram yet? Of course, pictures, photos, videos.
What can be said about photo and video publications:
- unique frames will make your profile more interesting than hackneyed pictures from the World Wide Web (in addition, other people’s pictures reduce profile indexing by robot systems);
- attract new perspectives on the presentation of information, focus on simple things so that the user is no less interested, even if it comes to spoons;
- if you have a store, you should not fill everything with goods, dilute publications with funny selfies, beautiful snowfall outside the window;
- choose the same color schemes for the photo, the same frames, type of design, etc.
Great ideas that allow you to expand the reach of users in the application, go beyond existing subscribers, tell about yourself to as many users as possible and are great for asking where to start promoting on Instagram are:
- contests;
- social surveys;
- for product pages, promotions and similar other offers. For example, tell your friends about me and I will open a black box.
Where to start earning on Instagram in addition to registration. Step #4
It’s important to know in advance what you are offering your subscribers. Having decided on the topic of the blog, it will be easier to determine the design of the profile,
Examples of topics for every day, with which a novice blogger on Instagram can attract subscribers:
Day 1 – How did you decide to become a blogger? What do you want to share with subscribers?
Day 2 – Latest news on a topic of interest or in general.
Day 3 – What makes you happy?
Day 4 – Relations with neighbors: how to listen loudly to music?
Day 5 – Tell us about your musical preferences, what do you know about the author of your favorite songs.
Day 6 – The most common phone apps you use.
Day 7 – What games do you like? Strategies, simulations, logical or prefer an active lifestyle.
Day 8 – Your hobbies and hobbies.
Day 9 – The future is not as far as it seems. What do you plan to do in 5-10 years?
Day 10 – On foot to work / study / walk – something interesting often happens on the way.
Day 11 – First work. What did they save money for in childhood?
Day 12 – Go to the cinema / theater. Tell us about it.
Day 13 – Winter is coming. And what is your favorite season for visitors to your page?
Day 14 – How do you feel about tucked up jeans, cross-socks without socks, and in general – to modern clothing styles.
Day 15 – Beauty is a terrible force, but what about Botox in the lips, false eyelashes and nails, maybe an enlarged chest?
Day 16 – A circus with animals arrives. How do you feel about such “performances”? Do your subscribers wear leather and natural fur?
Day 17 – What about vegetarianism? Do you know that vegans and vegetarians are different people?
And then you yourself will figure out what to talk about with subscribers. If all of a sudden ideas are over, contact the guests of your page directly. Go for a walk, turn on the live broadcast, chat practically live with those to whom you have become interested. Make notes of what subscribers are writing, this will help prepare for the next day with a new idea that really interests users.
Remember that not only users make your page recognizable, but also the “robots” of the social network, ranking the profile for many points. Therefore, if we talk about why to post publications daily, then: there are users who go to instagram every 10 minutes, and there are those who visit the page once a week. This suggests that by posting publications daily, you will reach more subscribers. It is also worth calculating the time at which most often your guests are online.
What is blogging
We have already figured out where to start blogging on Instagram, but what does it mean to be a successful blogger, how to manage to not only gain subscribers, but also keep them?
There are only four important rules here:
- in interacting ones with subscribers – communicate, engage in discussions, responds to directives comments etc .;
- sincerity – people see when someone is angry, grimacing or simply not in the know about the topics that they are talking about, be honest, and do not be afraid of mistakes, typos, “kinolap” (you are also a person, you also have the right to do this);
- beautifully and efficiently draw up your profile – it attracts, interests, encourages subscribers to read and read your publications further;
Blogging is a popular trend among young people of our century. Is blogging considered a profession? Let’s figure it out:
- the presence of education – for information to be interesting to users, it must be able to correctly and correctly convey, and what can an interesting person tell who has not mastered any skills and did not go beyond his yard?
- income generation – if you think that having shot several videos you will become popular, then blogging is not for you, only by creating interesting and high-quality content and collecting at least 1000 subscribers, you can expect to receive income from advertising that you will order.