
Here Are 6 Marketing Trends To Watch in 2023

If you ask 10 different marketers to predict the most promising marketing trends for the coming year, you will get 10 different answers. However, it is highly likely that there will be at least a few trends that everyone will call critical to the success of any strategy in 2023.

Recently, proven marketing tactics have begun to show far from the most impressive results. The events of 2022 led to irreversible consequences. Now it is necessary to attract buyers in a different way. This article looks at the most interesting trends to keep an eye on in 2023.



Successful marketing companies make their main bets on the following trends.

1. Relationship Marketing

After two difficult years, consumers are increasingly choosing companies that treat them not as ordinary customers, but as human beings. Many of them are even willing to put up with slightly higher prices in exchange for their problems being taken seriously and quickly resolved.

One way to increase the number of positive interactions with customers is to create truly unique content that does not look like competitors’ boilerplate texts. Any company can answer frequently asked questions, but does that make it a trusted industry leader? Instead, focus on creating content that will set you apart from the competition. MarketMuse marketers follow the 10x marketing formula: first, they study what other companies in a particular industry are writing about, and then they specifically cover other topics.

Customer satisfaction will become an increasingly important indicator of the health of any business, regardless of industry. Your company may offer the best prices and the widest selection, but this is not a guarantee that consumers will choose you. If your store does not have a welcoming atmosphere or your content is useless and formulaic, then people will prefer to shop elsewhere. The same goes for your website and social media presence. People want to be heard and feel appreciated whether they buy something or not.

2. Persistent audience fragmentation

Persistent audience fragmentation

Personalizing your approach to sales is the essence of marketing. Business owners must tailor their products and services to meet the needs of their customers. The better they do it, the more money and loyalty points they earn. A teenager and a middle-aged client should have different experiences with your online business.

While it may seem obvious, many online stores still present a one-size-fits-all online experience. As cookies on websites become a thing of the past, retailers have to find new ways to collect and store information about a particular customer without violating moral and legal boundaries.

3. Ensuring data privacy

As mentioned earlier, cookies are yesterday. The issue of strengthening the privacy of personal data will continue to gain momentum among consumers. They have already started speaking out against the “Big Brother factor” in digital marketing.

Striking a balance between “we know who you are” and “we know too much about you” can be very difficult. This is especially true when trying to tailor the customer experience based on age, gender, geographic location, and other factors. Business owners who strike the right balance collect only the information they can act on. After that, they take all necessary precautions to protect the information received and prevent data leaks.

4. Increase relevance

Being relevant means more than just tailoring your marketing campaign to a specific audience, as discussed above. Of course, you also have to contact the right client, but this is only part of the story. It is also necessary to choose the right time for the advertising message so that the consumer is in the best condition for a positive reaction. Relevance can be summed up as “right time, right place, right message, right approach”.

Companies can increase their relevancy by tracking a customer’s purchases and using that information to craft a timely message. For example, many sellers now send out emails that talk about the value of a previous purchase: “How do you like the new TV? Is there anything we can do to help you improve your viewing experience? Although such messages do not contain a sales offer or other call to action, they demonstrate an interest in a person. This makes the business more relevant to the everyday life of the consumer.

5. Simple and clear message

Back in the days when website designers struggled to create cool, modern, and amazing sites, Steve Krug wrote a wonderful book with a telling title: Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability ( Don’t Make Me Think – With Extras: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. The simplicity and clarity of the title reflect the essence of the author’s philosophy. If your website, app, social media presence, or literally any other part of your business makes your audience think too long about the meaning of your message, give yourself a “fail”.

6. Environmental marketing


Environmental marketing

Customers are increasingly choosing to shop with companies that demonstrate care and concern for our planet. Look for ways your business can make its products and services more sustainable. But be careful when promoting your initiatives, as some consumers may find your efforts disingenuous. (If you blow your trumpets every time you do something good for Mother Nature, you’re more likely to arouse suspicion than build customer loyalty.)

Many companies—perhaps in an effort to increase sales at the expense of long-term credibility—make the mistake of claiming they care about the environment and then adopting business practices that show otherwise. Be sure that all your statements will be thoroughly investigated by those who are trying to discredit you. The best approach to greening is to look for opportunities to rethink existing business practices, not to invent new ones. To get started, encourage your employees to start recycling beverage containers.


The marketing trends listed above are not revolutionary, but they may require your business to introduce new technology solutions, customer experiences, and daily tasks. As you strive for positive change on these six fronts, commit yourself to learn as you go. Pay extra attention to doing the right thing with customers, employees, society, and the environment, and then you will have every chance to improve your performance!

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Vikas March 24, 2023 0 Comments

How Can You Increase Website Traffic?Start With The Basics

If you are at least superficially familiar with inbound marketing, then you probably know that the first step in any successful strategy is to attract visitors to the site. It is sometimes very difficult to accomplish this task. You already have plenty of other things to worry about, such as finding ways to increase revenue or updating your strategy to keep up with the latest marketing trends. Therefore, this initial step is easy to miss.

However, it must not be forgotten. To keep it at the forefront of your marketing strategy, you must stop thinking that traffic generation is impossible. You don’t need the luck to increase website traffic – just use proven tips that will help you succeed. In this article, we have collected the best ways to drive traffic to your website.


1. Optimize Your Site For People, Not Search Engines


You have definitely heard the term “SEO” (“Search Engine Optimization”). For whom or what exactly do you think the site should be optimized? Let me give you a hint: not for search engines. In fact, the most popular sites are not optimized for search engines, but for the people who use them.


If the page is optimized for users, then search engines will appreciate it. Thus, by designing a site specifically for the people you want to attract to it, you are killing two birds with one stone. It will immediately be optimized for search engines.


Given all of the above, to create a successful website, you should first think not about search engines, but about your target audience. What do your users want to see? What exactly do they need? How can you best help them? Just develop a site optimized for users, and search engines will pull themselves up.


2. Create Content With The Right Keywords



Your keywords act as bridges. Thanks to them, random people can get to your site. But in order for the user to decide to cross the bridge and visit your site, he must be interested in the content that is offered in the search results.


The best way to find out what your audience wants is to create customer personas, as they are a composite of the people you are trying to attract. When creating content, you should choose the right keywords. Focus on the problems your users care about or the goals they hope to achieve. Why? Because people are actively looking for ways to solve these problems. They will find and visit your site if you have content that can be useful to them.


3. Practice Cognitive Fluency


Imagine that you want to find a lawyer who can help you file a patent for your latest invention. You go to Google and type “patent lawyers” into the search bar.

Don’t be in a hurry to hit the search button. First answer: what do you think the websites of these patent lawyers look like? Hard-to-read pages with extravagant fonts, designed in neon colors are unlikely to come to your mind. On the contrary, on the site of a good and reputable patent lawyer, you probably expect to see more subdued tones, elegant fonts, and a list of services that he provides.

Of course, after searching the Internet, you will sooner or later pick up a patent lawyer. Most likely, his page will be close in content to your initial idea of ​​how the site of a respected specialist should look like.

This psychological principle is called “cognitive fluency”: the most visited sites in most cases provide a user experience that meets the expectations of visitors. Such venues offer what people expect to see.

There is an easy way to check if your site meets the rules of cognitive fluency. Ask your regular visitors what they expect to see on a site like yours. What style and decoration do they prefer? What content should receive the most attention? If your site isn’t meeting user expectations, it might be time to consider new optimization strategies.

4. Write Blog Posts On The Most Exciting Topics



You can increase traffic not only with the help of content on the site. Your blog can also be one of the most powerful tools for attracting new visitors. You optimize pages for keywords that your audience cares about. The same should be done with blog posts. What are the most common questions your visitors ask? What problems do they face and what exactly are they looking for on the Internet? These are good topics for your blog posts.

Write relevant texts that answer your audience’s questions using the appropriate keywords. Your site will appear in the search results for these words. As a result, you will be remembered by the user and in the future, he will be able to contact you again for help. This way you build trusting relationships with potential buyers.

5. Create Separate Posts For The Most Relevant Keywords


Your keyword footprint is kind of like a carbon footprint, only online. It is a list of keywords by which your site is ranked by search engines. With it, you can determine how big a mark you left on the Internet. Unlike a carbon footprint, a big keyword footprint is a very good thing! Why? Because its presence indicates that your site ranks high in the SERPs and is associated with many different keywords. Each of these keys gives you additional chances to attract new visitors.

Each written blog entry is considered by search engines as a separate page of the site. With that in mind, you should strive to create quality posts with relevant keywords. The more there are, the higher your chances of appearing in search results. Blog posts help increase the number of keywords and therefore increase the likelihood of attracting a new visitor.

6. Post Regularly On Your Blog


It’s not enough to just blog about keywords that are relevant to your audience. If you want to achieve sustainable traffic growth, you need to constantly post new content.

Companies that publish blog posts daily are almost 70% more likely to report a positive ROI compared to competitors that update their blogs once a month. For you, this means that blogging on a regular basis can bring significant benefits in terms of increasing the number of visitors, leads, and even customers.

Blogging regularly gives search engines a reason to crawl your site regularly. As a result, search engines find, index, and rank your pages more often.

7. Answer Social Media Questions On A Blog


Have you ever seen people asking for advice on Twitter or Facebook? For example, they asked for advice on a place to eat in your city, or they posted a question about which brand of toothpaste is best to buy. How about asking a question on a LinkedIn group you’re a member of? Chances are you’ve seen similar questions… but how often have you answered them?

What would you do if someone asked you the same questions in person? Would they just leave, pretending not to hear? No – you would have answered them! You would provide the interested person with the information they were looking for and serve as a source of information for them.

The same concept can work on social media as well. If some person (and part-time – a potential client) asks for help, do not ignore his comment or question, help him! Try to benefit someone with your highly specialized knowledge. Respond to messages and requests on social networks, but in addition to everything, insert links to relevant pages on your website or blog articles in these answers. That way, leads and prospects get the help they were looking for, and you get a new visitor. This is a very effective tactic if you are not just spamming links to your site, but sending really useful messages.

8. Monitor Relevant Keywords On Social Networks And Join Discussions




You won’t be able to share useful content with potential customers on social media until you know they’re looking for it. That’s why it’s worth monitoring social media to keep track of the keywords that are most important to your business. Find out how you can help the people who use them.

Track mentions of your potential customers’ main concerns across different social networks. If you find such discussions, try to take part in them. Just like you did in the previous scenario when people asked questions. By monitoring top keywords, you’ll be able to contribute your two cents (and content) at the right time and place.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to attract the people you need to your site – your user personas. By luring them to you, sooner or later you will be able to make leads out of them, nurture and turn them into customers. Eventually, they will become promoters of your brand. Remember: the main thing is the right traffic.

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Vikas February 25, 2023 1 Comment

Top SEO tips for optimizing your site’s on-page content in 2023

Top Tips For Optimizing On-site Seo 2023

Any small business representative will agree that SEO optimization is a multi-stage and not the easiest adventure at first. You can compare it to a hiking trip: for the trip to be successful, careful preparation is required. If you do not know how and what to do, you can always ask friends or family members for advice. The same goes for SEO optimization. Even when the road ahead seems easy, you risk missing out on a lot along the way.

In this article, we will provide the most useful on-site SEO optimization tips that will help you achieve success. Pack your bags and prepare your checklists – it’s time to start this adventure!




On-site SEO (or on-page SEO) is the process of optimizing a website in order to increase its ranking in search engines. This can be done by improving keywords, content, titles, meta descriptions, microdata, site speed, internal linking, mobile compatibility, and ALT tags. Since all of these activities take place on your own site, they are called on-site optimization and are a good starting point for any SEO campaign.




If you’re new to SEO, it’s best to start with the basics. The structure of your page must meet the technical requirements, but its text and other content are equally important. Search engines like Google understand and crawl what you write. Your main goal is to create content that engages and inspires trust with your readers and target audience. If people rate your content positively, search engines will like it too.

Writing copy may seem like a simple task, but optimizing and implementing the key details you need to succeed adds an extra layer to your SEO strategy. Below we have compiled a list of on-site SEO optimization tips that should help your business. Treat it like a checklist that will allow you to evaluate the most important factors of a commercial site.




Page loading speed


Slow loading speed is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to your website pages. You want to provide your audience with answers and resources, but how can you do it if the information isn’t loading? Slow loading pushes customers away from interacting with your company. It also leads to defeat in the competition for higher positions in the SERPs – no matter how beautiful and useful your site is.

Page loading speed plays a crucial role in SEO optimization. Your site may load slowly for a variety of reasons. Some of these may be related to the high amount of HTML on the page or large image files. Perhaps the problem is in the server or redirects chains. Whatever the reason, audit your site and see what you can get rid of to make room for faster page loads. It is important to pay attention to the speed of your resource so that the bounce rate is not too high.


Link Building


Link Building


Link building (link building) is a fundamental part of any SEO strategy. Both internal and external linking help to increase the credibility and popularity of your site. Link building is incredibly important, but it’s even more important not to go overboard with links. We need to pay more attention to their quality, not quantity. You will gain more credibility in your niche if you have a few authoritative links instead of a dozen of low-quality ones. The best way to start link building is to use internal linking to help people find pages.




Content is one of the most important aspects of successful SEO. Without it, your site will be nothing. The optimal amount of content creates a balance for readers and search engines. You want to convey the right amount of information to the user without overloading them with text. There are many ways to control content. One of them is to maintain the volume at the level of 800-1400 words. Another way is to ensure the content is readable so as not to confuse readers. Having a specific theme or standard in writing content helps keep the site consistent.


When writing content, it is important to focus on real readers first, and not on search engines. By focusing on the interests of the audience, not on keywords, you improve the user experience, earn trust, and ultimately win. When you have accumulated enough content in a certain time, you need to review it and make sure that it is not duplicated. Search engines won’t penalize your site, but this can reduce its value. Be sure to create evergreen content that will keep readers engaged even years after publication.


Meta Descriptions


The meta description is the text preview that people see when Google shows your page in the SERPs. A well-written meta description will help you stand out from the competition and capture the attention of your audience. A bad description can cause users to ignore you and choose something better from the options offered. Be sure to pay attention to writing unique and relevant meta descriptions for each page on your site.




The above also applies to URLs. They should be short, clear, and unique for each page. Refrain from using jumbles of numbers that won’t make sense to your audience. If users are unable to read or understand your URL, then Google and other search engines may also have questions. Search engines monitor users, so the simplicity and readability of page addresses will help improve the structure of the site. To do this, just add keywords or headings to the URL.

Also Read: Best On Page SEO Techniques for 2023 for High Google Rankings


Keywords and images


Keywords not only help users find answers to questions but also help increase the visibility of your site. Creating content to expand your online presence through the use of keywords is called content marketing. Adding keywords to your site helps readers understand what you’re talking about and what they should be looking for. It also gives search engines a positive signal, which helps improve your rankings.


We talked about text content above, but the same can be done with images. When people search for a certain image, what do they search for? Keywords. Therefore, image titles and accompanying text (such as captions) should use the correct keywords. Do the research and check which keywords work best for your site to improve your SEO.




Search engines check your site to see what you offer to customers. That is why it is necessary to ensure the scannability of content. When a search engine like Google crawls your pages, it’s important that they aren’t blocked or restricted or all your SEO efforts will be nullified. Make sure you have enough internal links, a clear sitemap, and no broken links. Otherwise, the effectiveness of SEO will be noticeably reduced.


Social media




Recently, users are increasingly looking for information on social networks. Mobile compatibility is a big step towards adapting to new technologies and how people use the search on their smartphones. It is equally important to stay connected on social networks and communities by posting regularly.

Want to get more social signals? Here are a few ways to achieve this:

  • create useful content that can be shared on social networks.
  • add prominent share buttons to your posts.
  • encourage people to share your content by actively asking them to do so
  • run contests on social networks to increase the number of reposts.
  • Mention and link to influencer accounts in your posts.

Building connections through thought leadership and social media is a great way to expand your audience. Do not miss the opportunity to share links and make reposts.



Search engine optimization includes many short steps, but in some cases, you will have to be patient. On-site SEO development is one of the best ways to improve and scale your site’s SEO. If at this stage you have any difficulties, then the company “External Code” will gladly come to the rescue.

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Vikas February 13, 2023 1 Comment

What is Chat GTP and How Can You use It?

What is GPT Chat? How to use


The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot is a new neural network trained on Natural Language Processing technology. She is able to communicate with users in a human way, find answers to difficult questions, write scripts, and school essays, compose songs, as well as fix errors in the program code. Immediately after the launch, the development blew up the media space – ChatGPT has not left the top

Google search queries for a week, users massively share screenshots with chatbot answers on social networks, and leading world publications not only write about the neural network but even interview it.


What is ChatGPT


The ChatGPT chatbot is a neural network programmed to simulate a human conversation. The American company OpenAI presented it on November 30th. ChatGPT uses the GPT-3.5 language technology, an artificial intelligence model created by OpenAI that has been trained on a huge amount of text data from various sources.

ChatGPT interacts interactively. According to the developers, the dialogue format allows the neural network to answer additional questions, admit its mistakes, and reject inappropriate requests.

OpenAI is an American non-profit AI research and machine learning technology company. It was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk, venture capitalist Sam Altman, and other Silicon Valley investors. Musk stepped down from the board in 2018 due to a conflict of interest between OpenAI and Tesla’s autonomous driving research, but remains an investor in the company.

OpenAI has released three versions of the GPT language model, which is trained on huge amounts of textual data, mostly texts from the Internet, and can generate meaningful answers to questions.

Another well-known neural network from OpenAI is  DALL-E, introduced in 2021,  which uses the GPT-3 model to generate images based on its data. DALL-E can create images in a variety of styles – from photorealism to paintings and emojis.


What can ChatGPT do?


1. Explain

The neural network can not only answer complex questions but also do it in a different style. For example, to explain to a five-year-old child what astrophysical wormholes are or to tell in the language of old westerners what is the difference between SSL, TLS, and HTTPS.

2. Code

ChatGPT can write code in various programming languages, including complex Python code. You can also ask the neural network to find errors in the code.

3. Compose

ChatGPT can write scripts, character-styled sitcom dialogue, college-level essays, interview questions, business and support letters, and more. Also, the chatbot can write a song or music for a specific request.



How can you use Chat GTP for SEO and content writing?


1. Identify and suggest relevant keywords

You can easily and quickly conduct keyword research with Chat GPT. All you have to do is open the chatbot, write a few target keywords you want to rank for, and wait for it to load a list of related keywords. The advantage is that it suggests a list of keywords based on recent search results and provides healthy competition.


2. Check grammar and spelling

Thanks to the GPT-3 computer program, Chat GPT can become your daily writing assistant. You can improve the quality and style of your writing if you follow the suggestions and feedback from the chatbot. Moreover, the chat will automatically correct your spelling and grammar mistakes.



3. Build an AI-powered customer service


Undoubtedly, effective customer service is a major driver for business growth and customer satisfaction, especially when it is available 24/7. In addition to content creation, a chatbot can also perform linguistic tasks such as paraphrasing, summarizing, translating, and answering queries.

A significant advantage is that it provides customized answers to each client, ensuring that consumers receive the information they need in a timely manner.


4. Create creative content


It’s no surprise that AI-powered Chat GPT can transform SEO and marketing, opening up new possibilities and opportunities. Thanks to the GPT-3 autoregressive language model, a chatbot can generate text that is difficult to distinguish from human-written material.


What are the disadvantages of Chat GPT?

While it’s easy to admire Chat GPT and its impressive applications, publishers should also pay close attention to its weaknesses. Relying entirely on this technology for SEO can be risky and error-prone if used incorrectly.

1. Current events unknown

One of the main disadvantages of Chat GPT is that its data is based on events up to 2021 and does not have daily updates. So, if you want to use a chatbot to create actual content about the latest happenings, you need to use an alternative solution like Writesonic’s ChatSonic.


2. Content generated by Chat GPT can be identified

Google algorithms have gone so far that it is now possible to detect AI-generated content. The technology learns from various articles, websites, and books, therefore recreating and stating what was already available to the public.

The fact is that using AI-generated content is against Google’s guidelines, which has become even more important with the introduction of the Helpful Content Update.

In order to avoid the issues mentioned above and use Chat GPT more effectively, it is important to understand that a chatbot is not human and cannot be compatible with human intelligence. This and all other technologies based on artificial intelligence should be considered as assistants, and not as replacements for humans.


Final thoughts:


In short, Chat GPT is a powerful language model created by Open AI to create a human-like language. Based on a large amount of trained data, it can interactively answer questions and provide useful information quickly.

Chat GPT has quickly impacted many industries by introducing new methods to improve performance, including SEO and marketing. For example, it can engage people in conversations by answering questions, generating SEO content in different genres and styles, and creating metadata.

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Vikas January 24, 2023 0 Comments

Do You Want To Increase Website Traffic? Start With The Basics

If you are at least superficially familiar with inbound marketing, then you probably know that the first step in any successful strategy is to attract visitors to the site. It is sometimes very difficult to accomplish this task. You already have plenty of other things to worry about, such as finding ways to increase revenue or updating your strategy to keep up with the latest marketing trends. Therefore, this initial step is easy to miss.

However, it must not be forgotten. To keep it at the forefront of your marketing strategy, you must stop thinking that traffic generation is impossible. You don’t need the luck to increase website traffic – just use proven tips that will help you succeed. In this article, we have collected the best ways to drive traffic to your website.




You have definitely heard the term “SEO” (“Search Engine Optimization”). For whom or what exactly do you think the site should be optimized? Let me give you a hint: not for search engines. In fact, the most popular sites are not optimized for search engines, but for the people who use them.

If the page is optimized for users, then search engines will appreciate it. Thus, by designing a site specifically for the people you want to attract to it, you are killing two birds with one stone. It will immediately be optimized for search engines.

Given all of the above, to create a successful website, you should first think not about search engines, but about your target audience. What do your users want to see? What exactly do they need? How can you best help them? Just develop a site optimized for users, and search engines will pull themselves up.






Your keywords act as bridges. Thanks to them, random people can get to your site. But in order for the user to decide to cross the bridge and visit your site, he must be interested in the content that is offered in the search results.

The best way to find out what your audience wants is to create customer personas, as they are a composite of the people you are trying to attract. When creating content, you should choose the right keywords. Focus on the problems your users care about or the goals they hope to achieve. Why? Because people are actively looking for ways to solve these problems. They will find and visit your site if you have content that can be useful to them.




Imagine that you want to find a lawyer who can help you file a patent for your latest invention. You go to Google and type “patent lawyers” into the search bar.

Don’t be in a hurry to hit the search button. First answer: what do you think the websites of these patent lawyers look like? Hard-to-read pages with extravagant fonts, designed in neon colors are unlikely to come to your mind. On the contrary, on the site of a good and reputable patent lawyer, you probably expect to see more subdued tones, elegant fonts, and a list of services that he provides.

Of course, after searching the Internet, you will sooner or later pick up a patent lawyer. Most likely, his page will be close in content to your initial idea of ​​how the site of a respected specialist should look like.

This psychological principle is called “cognitive fluency”: the most visited sites in most cases provide a user experience that meets the expectations of visitors. Such venues offer what people expect to see.

There is an easy way to check if your site meets the rules of cognitive fluency. Ask your regular visitors what they expect to see on a site like yours. What style and decoration do they prefer? What content should receive the most attention? If your site isn’t meeting user expectations, it might be time to consider new optimization strategies.




You can increase traffic not only with the help of content on the site. Your blog can also be one of the most powerful tools for attracting new visitors. You optimize pages for keywords that your audience cares about. The same should be done with blog posts. What are the most common questions your visitors ask? What problems do they face and what exactly are they looking for on the Internet? These are good topics for your blog posts.

Write relevant texts that answer your audience’s questions using the appropriate keywords. Your site will appear in the search results for these words. As a result, you will be remembered by the user and in the future, he will be able to contact you again for help. This way you build trusting relationships with potential buyers.




Your keyword footprint is kind of like a carbon footprint, only online. It is a list of keywords by which your site is ranked by search engines. With it, you can determine how big a mark you left on the Internet. Unlike a carbon footprint, a big keyword footprint is a very good thing! Why? Because its presence indicates that your site ranks high in the SERPs and is associated with many different keywords. Each of these keys gives you additional chances to attract new visitors.

Each written blog entry is considered by search engines as a separate page of the site. With that in mind, you should strive to create quality posts with relevant keywords. The more there are, the higher your chances of appearing in search results. Blog posts help increase the number of keywords and therefore increase the likelihood of attracting a new visitor.





It’s not enough to just blog about keywords that are relevant to your audience. If you want to achieve sustainable traffic growth, you need to constantly post new content.

Companies that publish blog posts daily are almost 70% more likely to report a positive ROI compared to competitors that update their blogs once a month. For you, this means that blogging on a regular basis can bring significant benefits in terms of increasing the number of visitors, leads, and even customers.

Blogging regularly gives search engines a reason to crawl your site regularly. As a result, search engines find, index, and rank your pages more often.






Have you ever seen people asking for advice on Twitter or Facebook? For example, they asked for advice on a place to eat in your city or posted a question about which brand of toothpaste is best to buy. How about asking a question on a LinkedIn group you’re a member of? Chances are you’ve seen similar questions… but how often have you answered them?

What would you do if someone asked you the same questions in person? Would they just leave, pretending not to hear? No – you would have answered them! You would provide the interested person with the information they were looking for and serve as a source of information for them.

The same concept can work on social media as well. If some person (and part-time – a potential client) asks for help, do not ignore his comment or question, help him! Try to benefit someone with your highly specialized knowledge. Respond to messages and requests on social networks, but in addition to everything, insert links to relevant pages on your website or blog articles in these answers. That way, leads, and prospects get the help they were looking for, and you get a new visitor. This is a very effective tactic if you are not just spamming links to your site, but sending really useful messages.




You won’t be able to share useful content with potential customers on social media until you know they’re looking for it. That’s why it’s worth monitoring social media to keep track of the keywords that are most important to your business. Find out how you can help the people who use them.

Track mentions of your potential customers’ main concerns across different social networks. If you find such discussions, try to take part in them. Just like you did in the previous scenario when people asked questions. By monitoring top keywords, you’ll be able to contribute your two cents (and content) at the right time and place.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to attract the people you need to your site – your user personas. By luring them to you, sooner or later you will be able to make leads out of them, nurture and turn them into customers. Eventually, they will become promoters of your brand. Remember: the main thing is the right traffic.

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Vikas January 19, 2023 0 Comments

8 Content Marketing Strategies You Should Focus on in 2023

Are you using different content marketing formats to implement your strategy?


If not, then it’s time for you to start doing it. Using a variety of formats helps you get more value from your content and improves your overall ROI. In addition, this way you will not get lost in a highly competitive online environment. According to research, in 2021, most brands used at least  7 different types of content.

In this article, we will look at the main formats of content marketing. You will learn exactly how each of them can help your brand, as well as how to effectively implement them into your business marketing strategy.


Key points

  • Blogs increase the number of indexed pages by more than 400% and increase the number of visitors and site views.
  • By the end of this year, video content will account for 82% of all online traffic.
  • Case studies are a powerful form of social proof because they show real results.
  • Interactive content is a differentiator – it stands out from the sheer number of static formats offered by brands.
  • On social media, people share infographics 3 times more than any other type of content.
  • E-books and white papers are popular types of content used for lead generation.
  • User-generated content is created by brand ambassadors—customers, employees, and influencers.




Content marketing is all about driving traffic to a website with engaging and valuable content. A huge number of formats expands the reach of your brand and satisfies even the specific preferences of the audience. You have the opportunity to distribute content through several channels at once and attract different segments of target customers.

This approach also makes it possible to always share information in the most optimal way. For example, a large list of statistics is better perceived on visual infographics, a client’s success story becomes more understandable thanks to a video interview, and a blog post is more convenient to share on social networks.

In short, with different content formats, you increase your ability to connect with potential audiences, which can help drive sales and revenue for your business.







If you’re only going to pick one format to start with, let it be your company’s blog. As a rule, this is the basis of a good content marketing strategy. Blogs are a driving force for organic traffic and a platform for other types of content to spread.

According to statistics, this format shows a very high return on investment. Company websites with a blog, compared to competitors without it, have on average 434% more indexed pages, attract 55% more visitors, and are 97% more effective at building links.

Read More: 10 Trending Content Marketing Trends For 2023

As you might guess, the effectiveness of blogs depends on their activity. Research has shown that posts 3-4 times a month generate 3.5x more organic traffic compared to sites that post less often.

By using different post types, you can further benefit from content diversification as part of your blogging strategy. These include:

  • Ultimate guides – cover your core business and serve as evergreen content;
  • Lists – posts on almost any topic that are easy to write and easy to read;
  • Practical guides – describe the steps to complete a task or solve a problem;
  • Case studies – tell customer success stories and demonstrate brand value;
  • News and opinions – comments on current events in your industry.

Video Content



Video is the future of online content. Cisco predicts that by the end of this year, 82% of all Internet traffic will be video content. Users prefer it over other formats, and brands use it to attract customers across platforms. There are plenty of examples: YouTube channels, social media posts and stories, videos in blog posts, customer interviews, and more.

Many companies believe that video content is beyond their ability to create content, but in 2022, that kind of thinking is fundamentally wrong. While some brands do commission professional video production, many do it in-house using smartphones and other simple and undemanding technologies.

The most common types of video content include:

  • Webinars – online events with the participation of company leaders, where they demonstrate their expert knowledge;
  • Vlogs and social media stories are more casual types of video content that allow you to look at the brand “from the inside”;
  • Interviews with clients – demonstration of real customer success stories;
  • Product demos – demonstration of features, benefits, and instructions for using the product;
  • Viral video – increasing brand awareness by posting videos on the most trending topics;
  • Branded video – branded promotional videos on various platforms, including the company’s website, email newsletter, and pages on social networks.


According to Qualtrics, 93% of shoppers look for online reviews or other forms of social proof before buying a product. Case studies are a powerful way to provide that confidence to your audience by describing your clients’ success stories.

This format not only demonstrates the value of the brand with real examples but also includes real customer reviews, which increases the credibility of the company.

The good news: According to statistics, 83% of consumers are willing to share a positive experience with a brand. In other words, to create a portfolio, you just need to contact satisfied clients. The main rules for writing case studies:

  • Mentioning successful cases of working with clients from different audience segments;
  • Focusing on a solved problem or a satisfied need;
  • Providing clear, measurable results in the form of numbers or statistics;
  • Adding quotes and real testimonials from your customers.

interactive content



Interactive content stands out from the sheer amount of static content that already exists on the web. It gives potential customers the opportunity to interact directly with your brand before they decide to make a purchase. This includes quizzes, polls, games, interactive maps or infographics, polls, and calculators.

As with video, many people mistakenly believe that creating interactive content is difficult. In fact, this is not so – it is found everywhere on the Internet. Chances are you use interactive content all the time without even thinking about it: for example, taking Twitter surveys, using monthly payment calculators, filling out customer feedback forms, etc.

Most modern CMS, social networks, and email marketing platforms have built-in tools for creating interactive content. They do not require writing code or any technical experience. Smart brands also use interactive content to engage potential customers (by collecting contact details) and to continuously improve their strategy and offerings (by analyzing the information shared by users during interactions).



Infographics visually highlight a specific topic. It is especially useful for presenting large amounts of and/or complex information in an easy-to-read format. Infographics are also very easy to share – they are shared three times more often than any other type of content on social networks.

Creating infographics may require a graphic designer, who can be quickly found on various sites – for example, Upwork or Fiverr (in case you do not have a full-time employee).


White papers and e-books


E-books and white papers are similar types of content designed to showcase a brand’s expertise in a particular area. They are aimed at slightly different audiences. E-books usually introduce the topic and are aimed at the general public. White papers, on the other hand, are more academic and detailed. They are designed for an audience that already has a certain level of knowledge in the area covered.

E-books and whitepapers are also used at different stages of the buyer’s journey. The first ones are at the beginning, and the second ones are at the later stages of decision-making.

Both of these types of content act as lead magnets. This is useful downloadable content offered in exchange for a user’s contact information.


Social Media



Social networks perform several tasks of your content strategy at once. First, you can create original content through posts and stories. Second, you can amplify content from other channels by sharing it on your company’s social media page.


Social media is a very powerful tool because it fits seamlessly into the natural behavior of shoppers. In addition, 90% of people prefer the brands they follow.


User Content

Last but certainly not least, you can harness the power of your audience by turning them into brand ambassadors and encouraging User Generated Content (UGC). This includes social media posts, reviews, recommendations, influencer content, and more. Your employees can also become brand ambassadors by creating branded content (such as blog posts) and sharing existing content on their professional platforms (such as LinkedIn profiles).



Want to take your content marketing strategy to the next level? Digital Growth World#1 Digital Marketing institute in Varanasi” will help you develop an individual strategy for you together with your team. It will include other content marketing formats tailored to your audience, including eBooks, videos, infographics, and customer success stories.


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Vikas December 23, 2022 0 Comments

How to Market Your WordPress Site: The Complete Guide

You have the latest WordPress platform installed. You have chosen the most popular premium theme and installed all the required plugins. You are very happy that you have finally realized your lifelong dream of an online business. Or just have a personal website. You have set up your mailboxes and are ready to open the store. In other words, your WordPress site is fully loaded and you really want to rock the party. But you have exactly zero customers. If you have done your homework, then there are clients, but you did not find them, or vice versa, they did not find your WordPress site and your offers.

What to do?

You will find the answer in this article on WordPress marketing. First, let’s get some basic definitions out of the way: “ Marketing is the act or business of promoting and selling goods or services, including market research and advertising. Website marketing is the use of the Internet to deliver promotional materials to consumers.

It includes email marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing ….” When we say “marketing your WordPress site” we really mean marketing your products or services, so make that distinction. Your website is just a marketing tool, but with so many online businesses popping up every day, your website can be both a business and a marketing tool. Make that distinction too. The marketing methods we’ll be discussing today are mostly free (or relatively cheap) and fairly easy to apply, but you should be prepared to take the time.

I’ll also recommend a few plugins along the way, so be on the lookout. So, how can you market your WordPress site without putting in a lot of effort and without breaking the bank?

Place your website address on all documents


Place your website address on all documents


Let’s start the old-fashioned way. If you publish all sorts of documents: brochures, booklets, press releases, or promotional prints in general, make sure your website address (URL) is listed on each one. It’s simple and doesn’t require any additional costs, so do it now. Whether it’s business cards, invoices, letterheads, presentation folders, datasheets, packing slips, or marketing materials, put your domain name on every piece of paper that comes out of your office. Other documents include e- books , offers, white papers, packaging materials: containers, lids, bags, etc., other promotional materials, and even PowerPoint presentations. Every document representing your business must have your . It’s very simple.

Press release

Yes, I know you don’t usually feel like writing it, but press releases still work. The only rule is that your press release should be news and contain information about your business. Now not everything is news. If you’re partnering with a new company and offering a new (or better) service, it certainly deserves attention. On the other hand, if you’re featured in an interview, it’s a good material for a blog post, but not for a press release.

Do you catch the difference? After preparing a press release, send it to the local media, but if you want to skip this trip, you can send a press release online for free. As long as your press release is worthy of attention and you follow the rules, your press release will end up in the hands of the editors.

As a result, you will receive high-quality traffic. Post a few press releases and you’ll get exactly the push you want in your traffic stats. Guaranteed.

Article Marketing

Here’s another old one. Article marketing has been around for centuries and is far from dead, even with rigorous algorithm updates. If you do it right (by following the rules and providing useful articles), there is a whole world to capture. Don’t walk down the dark alleys of article marketing because good old Google doesn’t like that kind of thing. Don’t play article marketing tricks at all! In addition to following the rules and creating high-value articles, you should only join and submit articles to article directories that follow general SEO guidelines. Otherwise, Google and other major search engines will brand you with all sorts of bad profiles, resulting in a loss of brand authority and traffic.

However, article marketing will help your business take advantage of the huge amount of traffic that article directories attract. All you have to do is include your domain name (or a link to your product pages) at the end of your articles, sit back and watch the numbers skyrocket. Wouldn’t you like it? If you want to try your hand at article marketing to promote your WordPress site, here are some recommended article directories:

  • Ezinearticles.com
  • iSnare.com
  • articlealley.com
  • Webmasterarticles.net
  • Artipot.com

Do not submit your articles to thousands of article directories because this is considered spam and the search engine spiders will punish you. More than enough to submit articles to five article directories. Be sure to check that the article directory you choose complies with the recommended guidelines before joining or submitting articles.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a fantastic marketing tool that I personally use. I put it in the article marketing section because, essentially, guest blogging is just another form of article marketing.

As opposed to writing and submitting thousands of articles to various directories, guest blogging involves writing informative (and often very long) blog posts on another site—preferably a site with more traffic than yours. It’s also important to make sure you’re guest blogging on sites with a high Google PageRank (above 5). You can check domain authority, PageRank, and various other aspects of any site using tools like Open Site Explorer or Alexa. Make a guest blog on a few sister sites, paste your URL into the author bio, and watch your traffic grow. Most online entrepreneurs use guest blogging as their main marketing method, so don’t miss out on all the fun.

Email Marketing


They say that ninety-eight percent of your website visitors don’t make a purchase on their first visit. It’s sad, right? But we can’t afford to be sad, so let’s move on to the solution: email marketing. Email marketing offers you direct contact with your potential clients. You can communicate with your clients at any time. You can share industry news, tips, lessons, or anything else that will make your customers’ (or business) lives better.

You can promote your products (or affiliate products – just not direct affiliate links) with email marketing. You can report updates and changes to your business. You can turn ordinary website visitors into repeat and paying customers with a few smart emails.

You can, you can, you can. There is a lot you can do with email marketing besides maintaining a healthy traffic flow to your WordPress site. This is especially true if you have a huge list of email addresses. Just send them emails every time you publish a new post. Email Marketing, Yes You Can As always, I’ve been digging around and found a few email marketing plugins to get you started. Here is their list:

  • What Would Seth Godin Do
  • Subscribe2
  • sendpress
  • Contact Form 7 Newsletter

If you want to start email marketing right away, the following cool guys will gladly take your hand

  • AWeber
  • MailChimp
  • SendinBlue

Word of Mouth aka viral marketing

That’s right, you can significantly increase your web traffic just by spreading the word. The plan is to encourage your friends to share your domain name (URL) with their friends. Word of mouth becomes viral marketing when friends of your friends share your URL with their friends. Keep up the good work for a while and your domain name will quickly reach a lot of people. Just start sharing your URL today and ask your friends to share it with their friends and so on.

Note 1: Make sure you keep your promises and provide quality services, otherwise you will break everything.

Note 2: Don’t spam anyone – only text your friends, not their friends. You can also offer incentives and rewards to whoever shares your URL with the most people, which brings us to our next point.

Affiliate Marketing/Programs

You can reward people for referring others to your WordPress site. It works like magic and is a great marketing tool for many online businesses like hosting sites. You can reward people who refer others to your site with commissions, free memberships, and discounts.

You don’t need to have commission money up front, just take it from the sales you make through referrals. Installing scripts to launch affiliate programs can be quite a challenge, so I will recommend programs and plugins that you can use to manage your affiliates. In the category of affiliate plugins we have:

  • Affiliates
  • Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light

Offline Marketing


Owning a WordPress site does not mean giving up real marketing. As a small company, you can still greatly benefit from advertising in the Yellow Pages and so on. Placing ads in magazines and mailing letters may seem like a pretty old thing, but make no mistake, a large group of people still read magazines and letters. Just make sure you advertise in the right magazines. Small magazine ads are pretty cheap, which means you don’t have to break the bank to get better web traffic. Sending a random letter deviates somewhat from the generally accepted ( e-mail, SMS, tweets) and makes you stand out from the rest.

You haven’t heard the end of it yet. You can promote your WordPress site with postcards! Yes, postcards are pretty old school but don’t forget the power of highlighting, because that’s exactly what’s going to happen when you send postcards to your customers. Postcards are inexpensive and you can get them on Amazon. You can also print your own using a custom template on Creative Market or Etsy.

SEO content

  • Try to create web content for people first and search engines second. Your content needs to be useful and your headlines need to be really compelling to engage readers – don’t cut back on creativity. Distribute your keywords evenly—don’t overload them.
  • Do upfront keyword research and optimize your product pages for the terms people use to search for your products. Also, use close alternatives.
  • There is absolutely no reason to optimize contact pages, FAQs, privacy policies, and other pages that don’t directly affect the bottom line. Optimize your homepage and product pages ( landing pages ).
  • A keyword density of 2.5% is the baseline
  • Include your main keywords in headings (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>…, <h6>) and anchor text.
  • Avoid automatic article promotion, create fresh and original content, or manually rewrite articles.

Image SEO

  • Include keywords in image titles
  • Include the keyword in the ALT tag
  • Add keyword-rich descriptions to all your images

There is definitely no need to manually edit WordPress templates, you can optimize your WordPress site with any of these plugins:

  • WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast
  • All-In-One SEO Pack

Social media

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, and other social networking sites garner millions of views. Daily. None of these sites charge you to create an account and you can promote your business worldwide in minutes. Just create accounts and start interacting with millions of users. It’s that simple, but you also need to have a strategy. Post blog updates, tweet about new service offerings, attach cool images, post on Reddit, and Digg, and just “stumble” on your way to better web traffic. Have fun, it’s social networks.

WordPress Plugins for Marketing/Social Sharing

  • Add This
  • Google Analytics
  • All-In-One SEO Pack
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast


Marketing your WordPress site may seem like a daunting task, but once you get the hang of it, it’s the easiest thing you’ll ever do. The best approach is to always follow the rules, especially in this time of Google algorithm updates.

Give up black marketing methods and run to the mountains if your SEO company or Internet marketer offers such methods. In the end, success will depend less on the methods you use than on your ability to take action.

Because marketing is an ongoing process and your success is proportional to your efforts. Always remember to put the most energy into the methods that work for you.

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Vikas December 16, 2022 0 Comments

The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing in 2023

Are you looking for a beginner’s guide to digital marketing? This is the only industry that will bring you billions in profits in the future. What does it take to run a successful online business? If you answered that people who buy from you repeatedly, then you are absolutely right. Then how can you attract “regular customers” who are willing to buy from you online? Through digital or online marketing. If you’re wondering what it is and how you can use it to grow your online business, then this detailed beginner’s guide is just for you. Let’s get down to the details without further ado.

The Digital Marketing Guide for Beginners in 2023 and Beyond


Before discussing how you can use web marketing to find paying customers for your business in 2023 and beyond, let’s start with the basics.


What is digital marketing?


Simply put, digital marketing is everything you do online to find paying customers, increase your website traffic, attract new customers, and so on. Gone are the days when you could increase the sales or profits of your business using traditional marketing tactics such as;

  • Business Cards
  • Print ads in newspapers or magazines
  • Posters and Brochures
  • TV commercials
  • billboards and so on

Unlike traditional marketing, it allows you to “measure” the results. For example, after spending $100 on Facebook ads (one of the most effective forms of digital web marketing), you can easily find out metrics such as;

  • How many people saw your ad
  • How many people actually clicked on your ad
  • How many of them converted into leads, sales, etc?

Another positive side of using this method compared to traditional marketing is that it is much cheaper. If you’re spending $100 on traditional marketing strategies like TV or radio ads, this method will only cost you a small amount and give you even better results. Just take a look at the following illustration to find out the ROI.





As you can see from the above image;

  • Email marketing ROI is $40 (per $1 spent)
  • SEO ROI is $23 (per $1 spent)
  • ROI on online display ads is $20 (per $1 spent)
  • Mobile ROI is $10 (per $1 spent)
  • ROI on catalogs is $7 (per $1 spent)
  • Banner ads have an ROI of $2 (per $1 spent)

Overall, it’s very cheap, measurable, gets user feedback, and is very effective compared to traditional marketing.

Does Internet Marketing Work for All Businesses?


Yes, it works like a charm. I am a prime example who has been making money online for over a decade and have launched sites in a ton of industries including web hosting, niche sites, gadgets, technology, marketing, Dropshipping, and more. I have made money from almost all kinds of websites using the power of marketing.

The best part is that I don’t spend a lot of time making money from it thanks to affiliate marketing and Dropshiping. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, whether it’s fitness, real estate, marketing, or any other, you can use it effectively to find paying customers in 2023 and beyond.

How to create a digital web marketing strategy? 5 easy steps


Here are some steps to create a web marketing strategy that will really get you results in 2023 and beyond.

  • Study
  • Competitor analysis
  • Construction audience
  • Creating a sales funnel
  • measure
  • Manage and track results

Let’s now talk about each of the above steps for successfully creating a marketing strategy that works for almost any business in the world.

Step 1: Research


Marketing research is the first step to marketing success. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can build a long-term online business that will bring you profit through market research. The #1 reason for doing market research is that it eliminates the risk of failure and gives you a better idea of ​​what products or services you should offer to your target audience in order to make more sales in the long run. With that in mind, here are a few ways to conduct market research to be successful.


  • Website research on the Internet (from having a domain to choosing a blogging platform)
  • Market entry strategy
  • Exit strategy (in case you suddenly want to exit your online business)
  • Product planning
  • Analysis of customer identification (using online surveys)
  • SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your online business)

First of all, be sure to study the current needs of the customers in order to better serve them and build a profitable online business from it.

Step 2: Competitor Analysis


Competitor analysis is about studying your competitors and knowing their strengths and weaknesses so you can find more ways to outperform them in every aspect. For best results, competitor analysis should include the following.

  • SEO analysis to find out what keywords your competitors are using to generate more traffic, leads, and sales for your online business
  • PPC (Pay per click) analysis to see which ad copy your competitors are using to generate leads from paid search

A quick note: You can easily do a detailed competitor analysis with SEO tools like Semrush as it offers you all sorts of features to discover their strengths and weaknesses.

Step 3: Building an Audience


Before you start building a site to find paying customers, you need to focus on one thing: building an audience. There are basically two easy ways to make money by starting an online business.

  • Construction audience
  • Finding ways to capitalize on this audience

If you ignore building an audience, you are making a huge mistake that will cost you dearly in the long run. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can build a loyal audience for your online business.

  • Find out their demographics: Find out the demographics of your target audience, such as age, gender, annual salary, location, career interests, geography, and so on, as this will give you a better idea of ​​what products or services to offer them.
  • Analyze their interests: Find out where your target audience spends most of their time on the Internet, what keywords they use most often, what sites they visit, and so on.
  • Find out the intentions of your audience: Find out the intentions of your target audience. Are they looking for more information or are they going to buy something online?
  • Find out their priorities: Find out what gadget they use to browse the Internet (PC, laptop, or tablet), and what browser and operating system they use. All this information can be obtained using tools such as Google Analytics.

Step 4: Create a Sales Funnel


A sales funnel is what will help you turn your website visitors into loyal customers. The success of your online business mainly depends on how good your sales funnel is. So when creating your marketing strategy, be sure to take the time to come up with a solid sales funnel that will help you make a profit in the long run. Any successful marketing sales funnel includes the following most important elements.

  • Attracting a new audience
  • Interact with your audience
  • Get their attention
  • Groom your audience to turn them into leads
  • Convert leads into sales
  • Measure your sales and leads to turn them into higher-margin sales

This is what a sales funnel basically looks like;

Step 5: Measure, manage and track results


The final step in creating a profitable marketing strategy is to measure, manage and track all of your marketing efforts. Almost all marketing channels, such as email, SEO, PPC, and affiliate marketing, make it easy to track and measure metrics such as clicks, how many people have bought from you, how many people have visited your site, and so on. Based on these metrics, you can test, measure new things, and take your results to the next level.

Benefits of Digital Marketing


Before we get into the benefits, here are some interesting things you should know. In April 2016, Facebook officially launched its Facebook Live video streaming offering to all users, and it has quickly become an engagement hub for both big brands and small businesses around the world. According to a Facebook press release, live videos receive 10 times more comments than pre-recorded videos, and users watch live videos on average 3 times longer than pre-recorded videos. So what does it all mean? Video is growing at a fast pace, and if you ignore it, you’re wasting a lot of money and great deals. Let’s discuss some of the most obvious marketing benefits.

  • Ranking increase in search engines
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • High-Quality Links
  • Optimized for Conversion
  • A large number of leads that you can later turn into sales

If you are still wondering why you should choose digital marketing over traditional marketing in 2022 and beyond, just look at the following illustration.


8 different types of digital marketing


Let’s now talk about the types of online marketing used by all kinds of brands and businesses to find paying customers. While this can be done in many ways, listed below are 8 different types that give great results and a high ROI.

  • SEO
  • Search engine marketing ( SEM ), which can also be thought of as PPC
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Dropshipping

Let’s talk about each of them now. SEO (search engine optimization ) is the most effective component of interactive marketing. Brands, companies, and marketers spend billions of dollars on SEO every year for a reason: it works. If you are looking for long-term results and higher ROI, you should definitely go into SEO where you need to build your own website, create content (be it videos or articles), and do some SEO to generate high-quality traffic and leads to your website. SEO can be divided into two types;

  • Off-page SEO (what you do outside of your website, such as link building, creating buzz for your business, working with influencers, and so on).
  • On-page SEO (what you do on your site, such as keyword targetingkeyword optimization, URL optimization, etc.)

Email Marketing


Did you know that email marketing is the #1 internet marketing channel that generates the highest ROI of over $40 for every dollar spent? Almost every digital marketer uses email to build a reputation, raise awareness, generate leads, and make sales. Email Marketing makes it easy for you to do the following.

  • Create awareness for the products you are promoting or offering
  • Educate your audience
  • Establish strong relationships with your clients
  • Providing benefits such as deals, discounts, and so on
  • To drive traffic to your own landing pages, e-commerce stores, etc.
  • To get more referrals
  • And the list goes on and on

Content Marketing


Content marketing is the king of all marketing channels. It gives you an amazing ROI and helps you build strong relationships with your target audience and customers. Content marketing is all about creating awareness among your audience or customers about the products and services you offer. With that in mind, here are a few ways bloggers and marketers use content marketing to create content

  • With the help of videos
  • Through podcasts
  • Through blog posts
  • Through case studies, checklists, etc.

Whether you know it or not, video content marketing will rule the future. It will be a turning point in marketing.

Did you know that in 2022 there will be 4.62 billion active social media users worldwide, up 10.1% from last year? Just take a look at the following case study by Smart Insights to find out the digital stats and the rapid growth of social media marketing.


social media overview


Affiliate marketing


Affiliate marketing is selling someone else’s products using your own affiliate referral links and you get paid when someone buys a product or service through your links. Whether you know it or not, 80% of bloggers worldwide get most of their income from affiliate marketing. I am a living example who has been using affiliate marketing for a long time and earning thousands of dollars every month. If you want to earn passive income online, affiliate marketing is the way to go. With that in mind, here are some interesting statistics you should know about affiliate marketing.

  • Affiliate marketing accounts for 7.5% of retailers’ total digital spend
  • 81% of brands use affiliate marketing programs
  • 38% of marketers cite affiliate marketing as one of their primary methods of attracting customers
  • 45% of merchant partners increased their customer base
  • Affiliate Marketing now delivers as many US eCommerce orders as email

Mobile Marketing


Did you know that according to NetMarketShare, Google provides 96% of mobile search traffic, followed by Yahoo at 2% and Bing at 1%? Google search is also one of the most popular mobile apps in the US. Not only that, 69% of global consumers aged 18 to 39 use mobile devices to explore products before buying (Source: AUM Core).

If you’re wondering why you should consider mobile marketing in 2022 and beyond, here are some interesting mobile marketing statistics.

  • Mobile devices will drive 80% of global internet usage (Source: Zenith)
  • As of August 2017, there are over 3.5 billion unique mobile internet users (Source: Statista )
  • Users spend an average of 69% of their media time on smartphones (Source: comScore)
  • 50% of the time people spend on digital media is on mobile apps (Source: Comscore)
  • As of January 2019, the global mobile population was 3.7 billion unique users. As of February 2017, mobile devices accounted for 49.7 percent of web page views worldwide, with Asia and Africa leading the way.

So if you want to reap more benefits, be sure to look into mobile marketing as it is becoming a HUGE trend and it will make it easier for you to gain popularity and go viral.



The term “dropshipping” is on the lips of many who want to start their own business on the Internet. Dropshipping is the sale of other people’s goods, and in this, it differs from the usual trade. A dropshipper does not need to purchase goods, rent a warehouse, and control delivery. His tasks are to promote products and look for customers. The vendor does the rest.

The dropshipping scheme for online stores is quite simple.

  • The seller selects goods from the supplier’s catalog and uploads them to the trading platform – an online store, landing page, marketplace, or group in social networks.
  • Adds a markup to the price of the supplier, the size of which determines his earnings.
  • Promotes products and finds a client.
  • When a customer places an order, the seller sends information about this to the supplier.
  • The supplier packs the goods and sends them to the customer.

If the client pays for the goods online, the seller takes the margin from the transferred money and sends the rest to the supplier. If the client pays for the goods at the post office, the supplier throws off the margin to the seller.

Despite its popularity, dropshipping has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered.

The Importance of Using Semrush for Marketing


If you’re interested in using SEO for interactive marketing and finding paying customers online, we have a great recommendation for you: start using Semrush. Semrush is definitely one of the best keyword research and competitor analysis tools out there. It is the ONLY SEO tool that is used by over 2 million people worldwide and is the only SEO tool that I, as a digital marketer, have used for various purposes over the past few years. It not only helped us to increase the overall search engine traffic of our site but also helped in sales. Here are a few things you can do with Semrush.

  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Site audit
  • Backlink Analysis
  • Find traffic of any website
  • Position Tracking
  • Search for promotional copies of any website or brand
  • And further down the list

Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some of the important questions related to internet marketing in 2023 that you need to know in order to better understand it, find paying customers, increase your online reach, etc.

What is the future of digital marketing?

Whether you’re running a new blog or an eCommerce store, digital marketing helps take your online business and sales to the next level. There are thousands of brands that are already spending billions of dollars on marketing channels such as PPC, AdWords, social media, email marketing, SEO, and so on.

Why is digital marketing important?

 There are several types of marketing tactics that have been used by people and brands for decades, such as traditional marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, etc., but digital marketing is the #1 marketing method that allows you to communicate directly with your customers, where you can get real feedback, track and measure your progress.

How to become a digital marketer?

There are two main ways to become a digital marketer or marketing expert, which are listed below.

  • The first is through digital courses and certificates.
  • Another option is to start your own digital marketing firm by launching a website, driving traffic, generating sales, and getting potential customers to use your digital services.

We always advise you to prefer the latter instead of enrolling in a marketing course or participating in a digital internet marketing certification as you can learn more by doing it all on your own.

How to learn digital marketing?

The way to learn about digital internet marketing is to look at all the blogs and websites on the internet that basically talk about web marketing. Here is a list of the best digital web marketing blogs you can visit for everything you need to know about it. In addition to blogging, you can join marketing courses on sites like Udemy, Coursera, etc. where you can learn from the experts.

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    Vikas November 22, 2022 2 Comments

    A Beginner’s Guide to Reducing Bounce Rate on WordPress Sites in 2023

    Are you noticing a high bounce rate on your website?

    Are you desperately looking for proven ways to reduce it on your WordPress sites? Then this detailed beginner’s guide is just for you. Bounce rate is one of the most underestimated metrics that affect the overall user experience of your site. It doesn’t matter how great your content is or how attractive your site design is, if your site has more visits to a single page, then conversion rates will suffer. and search rankings. So if you want to tackle the bounce problem on your site, this guide is for you, where you’ll learn everything from bounce rate reduction to effortless bounce rate reduction. You are ready? Let’s start.

    Bounce rate: everything you need to know about it


    What is a website bounce rate?

    It represents the percentage of people who leave (i.e. leave) the same page without going to other pages on your site. It simply means when someone visits your site and leaves it without following any other link (or page). This is called a “bounce” on the site.


    How to calculate the bounce rate? Here is the bounce rate formula, and how it is calculated:

    Bounce Rate = (Single Page Visit / Total Visits) * 100


    Let’s say your website or blog gets 1,000 hits a day and 700 of them were one-page hits (meaning people leave your site without clicking any other links or pages), in which case the rate would be 70%.

    How to determine the bounce rate on your site in Google Analytics? Here’s how you can easily find it with Google Analytics. Google Analytics (latest version) itself shows you in the foreground, and if you want to take a closer look at it, you can click on “Audience Overview” and it will instantly show you all the data. Here’s what it looks like;



    As you can see above, you can find a ton of metrics including;


    • Number of users
    • New Users
    • Sessions
    • Number of sessions per user
    • Average session duration and so on

    If you want to know the bounce rate for each individual page of your site, you should go to Google Analytics > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages




    You can find the bounce rate on every single page on your site by going to the above location in Google Analytics, which is a great way to work on lowering bounce rates for your most popular posts. If you want to see the bounce rate for a different time period, you can also change the date range in the top right corner.

    What is considered a good bounce rate on a website? According to Contentsquare, blogs have bounce rates of 70 to 90%, content sites have bounce rates of 40 to 60%, and service sites have bounce rates of 10 to 30%.



    As you can see above, they vary from industry to industry depending on the type of blog you run. More importantly, Neil Patel also created an infographic that shows the average bounce rate by industry. Take a look.




    As you can see above, this figure varies from 10% to 90%. Simple landing pages (with one call to action like “add to cart”) typically have the highest bounce rate of 90%, while portals like MSN, Yahoo groups, service sites, or Q& sites like Quora, have a low bounce rate of 10 to 30%. So where does your bounce from the above infographic land? The % bounce below gives an idea (overall).


    • Over 90% is very bad
    • 70 – 80% – bad
    • 50-70% – average
    • 30 – 50% – excellent
    • 20% or below is most likely a tracking error (or you may have a brand new site)
      That being said, a good bounce rate can be below 50-60% for most sites.

    Bounce Rate vs Exit Rate: What’s the Difference?


    Bounce rate and exit rate are two important metrics that are most often misunderstood by bloggers and SEOs. There is little difference between these figures. Here is how Google defines both of these terms.

    • For all page views, the Exit Rate is the percentage that was last in the session.
    • For all sessions that start on a page, the Bounce Rate is the percentage that was the only one of the sessions.
      Simply put,
    • Bounce rate is the percentage of single interaction sessions (i.e. visitors leave your site without going to another page).
    • Exit Rate is the percentage of exits from the page (i.e. the number of people who leave your site after visiting the page and is compared to the total number of page views).

    Exits can be more than a single-page visit, while bounces are always a single-page visit. Here is a great illustration of the ratio of failures and exits by CXL.





    As you can see above, a high exit rate does not necessarily mean a high bounce rate (because your website visitors may have landed on the page from somewhere else on your site). In a nutshell, a site’s bounce rate only records “user exits” when users go directly to that page, while a site’s exit rate records all exits.


    Benefits of Reducing Bounce Rates on WordPress Sites. Why should you be concerned about reducing bounce rates on your sites? Here are some of the biggest benefits of reducing bounce rates on your site.

    • This can increase your website’s overall conversion.
    • They will help you increase your stay time (which is also great for ranking up )
    • Increases user engagement
    • Increases your website’s overall sales (because people who spend more time on your site end up converting most of the time)
    • And further down the list


    Before diving into the details, you might want to first check if your site is experiencing any of the following issues.


    • Slow page loading
    • Bad site architecture
    • No keyword strategy _
    • Thin content on your site
    • Mobile responsiveness issues

    5 Ways to Improve Your WordPress Bounce Rate in 2023


    Now let’s talk about some proven ways to reduce bounces on your site that work like a charm in 2023.

    Create highly engaging and informative content


    If you have a blog and your bounce rate is too high (over 90%), the first thing you need to analyze is how good the content is. Is your blog content readable? Is it useful for your target audience? Are you creating highly engaging content that keeps your audience on your blog? Or are you just creating mediocre content? If your content is mediocre, you need to fix your content marketing strategy and focus on creating ONLY in-depth articles that add value to your target audience. Here are some proven tips and techniques for creating highly engaging content that will help you greatly reduce bounce rates on your site.

    Providing exclusive information. The only way to get online attention for your blog content is to provide exclusive information that no one else in your industry offers to your audience. What is the point of retelling other materials? You cannot stand out from the crowd by creating poor content. You have to create 10 times better content than your competitors if you want to grab the attention of your site’s audience. Only with the help of exclusive content can you make the audience stay on your blog for a long time (and they may look at other pages if they spend more time on your site).

    Creating long-form content. Google has started to encourage long-form content as articles with 2000+ words gets higher rankings compared to short articles with 500 words. Deep articles will also help you improve your reading experience, as your readers will be able to get more information. Be sure to create “actionable content” as there is no point in creating 3,000-word articles that readers won’t be able to apply after reading. Your audience needs something to apply after reading your blog articles (or videos) – this is called actionable content and it always works like a charm.

    Always spend more time writing great headlines. Whether you know it or not, 8 out of 10 people read your headlines first and then decide whether or not to click on other links on your site. You should always spend more time creating compelling headlines. You can come up with 3 to 5 headlines for each of your posts (so you can choose the best one), and use the headline analysis tools to analyze how strong your headlines are.


    Speed ​​up your site


    One of the key determinants of your bounce rate is your website loading speed. If it takes a very long time to load (more than 3 seconds), visitors will immediately leave your site and go to other sites with faster loading times. It is so simple. Therefore, be sure to work on optimizing page load times. Here are some practical tips for improving your site’s page load times.

    Upgrade to a Faster Hosting: The speed of your website mainly depends on the hosting you choose. We have been using WPX hosting at Bloggers Passion for over 3 years now and are very pleased with the results. Take a look at our website speed.


    Install a caching plugin: If you are using WordPress and want to speed up your page loading time, you need to install a caching plugin as it generates static HTML pages of your site and saves them on the hosting server. This way, every time users visit your site, your caching plugin serves up a lighter HTML page instead of processing heavier WordPress PHP scripts, which ultimately results in faster page loads.

    Optimize image sizes: On any site, images take up a lot of bandwidth (especially if you use too many images in blog posts or pages). Therefore, in order to speed up page loading, it is necessary to reduce the size of images.


    Target the RIGHT keywords (with the right intent)


    Do you have a keyword strategy? Not only will keyword research help you get more search traffic but using the right keywords with the right intent can help you reduce bounce rates and increase overall conversions on your site. Take a look at the following illustration to better understand the meaning of the keyword.


    As you can see above, there are several types of keyword intent including;

    • Informative keywords
    • Navigation keywords
    • Commercial keywords (also known as transactional or shopping keywords, which are used by people who are ready to make a purchase, for example, keywords: “buy now”, “discount”, “lightning deals”, etc.) The key to increasing user retention is − know what type of keywords you should use for each page (or post) you are going to publish on your site for the best results.


    Make your website mobile responsive


    Over 90% of people currently use their smartphones and tablets to browse the web, and about 79% of smartphone users have made an online purchase using their mobile device in the last 6 months. In the US, 94% of people with smartphones look up local information on their phones. In addition, according to Google, 77% of mobile searches occur at home or at work, places where desktops are most likely to be found.



    This is why it is so important to have a mobile-friendly website and if your website is not mobile-responsive you will lose a lot of traffic, conversions, and sales to your competitors. If people are browsing your site on mobile phones and if your content or product pages don’t display properly, then they will leave your site immediately.


    Use user-friendly internal links


    Internal links are extremely important in reducing the number of bounces on your site’s pages, as they help your site’s readers find and navigate to other relevant pages on your site. If you’re writing a blog post without adding internal links, how can anyone find other content (especially the first visitors who read your blog posts)? If you publish posts without adding internal links, it can definitely harm your reading experience and also increase bounce rates.


    Three step checklist


    We have created the following EXCLUSIVE 3-step checklist for those looking to reduce bounce rates on their WordPress site. Here are two tools you will need;

    • Google Analytics (free to use and set up)
    • Tools like Crazy Egg (for heatmaps and A/B testing)

    Select the page with the highest bounce rate on your site. Have you ever heard of the 80/20 Pareto rule? It says: 80% of your results depend on 20% of your efforts. If your site has higher bounce rates, then there are a few pages that contribute to the 80% bounce rate. Therefore, you need to find pages with a higher bounce rate. We recommend that you first find the top 10 blog posts or pages that send you the most traffic (use Google Analytics).


    A Few Quick Tricks on How to Reduce Bounce Rates on Your WordPress Sites


    Do you want to know how to reduce the bounce rate on websites? Here are some more simple yet effective tricks to reduce your bounce rate.

    • Show related posts at the end. Showing related posts at the end of each blog post is one of the most effective ways to improve your site’s bounce rate. Take a look at our related posts on Bloggers Passion.
    • Open external links in new tabs. One of the easiest ways to combat bounce rates on your blog pages is to open external links in new tabs.
    • Stop showing excessive ads and limit pop-ups. Both Google and site users hate ads and pop-ups as they provide the worst user experience. They are annoying and also affect page loading times.
    • Use excerpts from posts at the home/archive level. Not only do people visit your site from search engines like Google but there is also another source of traffic called “direct traffic” where people visit your site by typing your domain name into the address bar.




    Reducing your website bounce rate should be your top priority if you’re not seeing an increase in search traffic. The key here is to focus on improving the overall quality of your blog posts and providing the best possible user experience while browsing your site.

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    Vikas November 12, 2022 0 Comments

    Which Is Better: SMS Marketing Or Social Media Advertising?

    SMS marketing and social media advertising are some of the fastest ways to reach the widest possible range of users. But what is more effective for promoting your business? Determining this can be difficult!

    Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of social media advertising and SMS marketing. And also find out how using both strategies will help accelerate the growth of your business and customer base.




    The benefits of social media advertising for your business are truly enormous. Here are just a few of them:

    • social media advertising helps to reach a wide range of segmented and high-value customers;
    • it is more accessible and profitable than traditional marketing. At the same time, taking into account all the necessary expenses, advertising on social networks is more expensive than SMS marketing;
    • you can split-test your ads, and advanced analytics will help you optimize your conversion rate;
    • promotion in social networks offers various formats of content to attract the audience.


    Social media marketing has many benefits for businesses and individuals, but it is not without its downsides. Here are the main ones:

    • constant updates to social media algorithms can affect ad performance and ROI;
    • hiring a separate specialist will require additional costs;
    • high competition leads to a higher cost per click;
    • if you plan to do social media marketing yourself, then you will need a long training;
    • tracking social media marketing is difficult, though possible;
    • social media promotion has a low conversion rate and a slow return on investment.




    SMS marketing has many advantages for both individuals and legal entities:

    • With the help of SMS marketing, you can reach a huge number of people. For example, about 96% of the population uses mobile phones;
    • SMS-mailing has a very high open rate (up to 98%) and conversion;
    • SMS marketing is very easy to implement;
    • compared to promotion in social networks, SMS marketing is more accessible and effective.


    For all its advantages, SMS marketing has the following limitations and disadvantages that you should be aware of:

    • leads received via SMS are hard to add to the email list (your asset);
    • in some cases, you may be reported or blocked – SMS marketing can be perceived as an invasion of privacy;
    • you will not be able to group or segment the audience using SMS marketing;
    • scaling a business with SMS marketing is not an easy task;
    • SMS marketing is limited to one content format (short message) – no long texts, images, videos, and so on;
    • finally, you will not be able to effectively track how your marketing is performing and what needs to be changed to improve it.



    These are two completely different marketing strategies. You can use social media promotion and SMS marketing for the same goal – conversions. However, both approaches are appropriate in different circumstances.

    If you are planning to improve both your online presence and your digital footprint, then social media marketing is the perfect solution.

    In addition, social media promotion allows you to properly track the reactions of your potential customers with the help of CRM tools. You get a lot of useful information about their interests, environment, work, and status, which will be useful for marketing and retargeting in the future.

    If you do not intend to improve your online presence or this task is not yet a priority for you, SMS marketing is a great option for a more personalized approach and increasing conversions.

    With SMS promotion, you can send more personalized messages to specific customers.

    The choice between SMS and social networks largely depends on what goal you are trying to achieve. This decision will determine which strategy is best and most appropriate to use.

    There are other factors to consider when choosing between SMS marketing and social media marketing.

    • Budget Allocation: Both methods make it easy to allocate your budget, especially during initial A/B testing. You can quickly determine which ad set requires more funds.
    • Target Audience: Social media marketing allows you to define your target audience rather than just running ads randomly. This helps to reduce costs and achieve the desired results.
    • Competent Employees: Without a qualified team, social media marketing becomes an almost impossible task. If you do not have competent employees, SMS marketing will come to the rescue.
    • Competition: The higher the competition, the less effective social media marketing will be. On the other hand, SMS promotion allows you to send personalized messages and reach out to your audience directly.

    With all this in mind, you can choose the most appropriate strategy for your business.

    And why not consider email promotion if you are looking for an alternative strategy? The ROI on email marketing is $42 for every dollar spent. You can manage email lists, schedules, and campaigns with dedicated services.


    Social media advertising and SMS marketing are extremely beneficial for businesses on their own, but when combined, these strategies can be even more successful. Because both approaches have unique properties, it’s important to know how to use them at the same time.

    Here are some ways to apply these strategies together.

    1. Create a customer database

    By sharing strategies, it will be easier for you to build a good customer database. For example, you can start an SMS marketing campaign that will run advertisements inviting potential customers to send SMS to receive prizes.

    This campaign uses both strategies. It allows you to attract more potential customers and achieve high conversions.

    2. Grow your online presence

    By combining strategies, you can significantly increase your online presence and brand awareness.

    In addition to launching ads to achieve this goal, with SMS you can influence people’s actions by encouraging them to like and subscribe to your page, as well as create a positive brand attitude.

    3. Increase awareness

    With SMS marketing, you drive enough attention to your social media page that potential customers can get to know your products and services, resulting in a higher conversion rate.

    The potential for the simultaneous use of strategies is very high, as they complement each other well.

    Many companies and brands actively use both approaches, such as IKEA and Domino’s Pizza.


    To grow your business, scale, and create a high conversion rate, you need to use multiple marketing strategies. Combined promotion through SMS and social networks will give the best results and will allow you to achieve maximum returns.

    It is important to note that the appropriateness of any marketing strategy depends on the specific situation. 

    The better you learn to apply several approaches at once, the better your business will develop.

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    Vikas November 3, 2022 0 Comments
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